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Rates for all dental treatments are determined by the government. All treatments are described in uniform codes (known as UPT codes) that allow insurance companies to determine their maximum fee. All dentists who work in the Netherlands must adhere to these codes.
Please contact your healthcare provider for information about your dental coverage. Always ask your dentist for a quote.
Using the rates list below and the estimate, you can then verify in advance with your insurer what amount of the treatment is insured, and what part you will have to pay yourself.

In the Netherlands, the patient is responsible for the payment of treatment costs, not your health provider. We send our dental invoice to you.


The invoice
The invoice is made up of the various activities that have taken place during treatment. All treatments are described in uniform codes (known as UPT codes). Each code is linked to a rate which may vary per dental practice.

Questions concerning your invoice Please contact our practice for any questions you may have. For general information about treatments and rates, you can also contact the Tandheelkundig Informatie Punt (  TIP was established by the professional association of dentists, the Royal Dutch Society for Advancement of Dentistry (KNMT).

Terms of payment
Our terms of payment in our practice are the same as those as stipulated by the Dutch Society for the Advancement of Dentistry (NMT).

Payment methodes
You will receive the invoice from practice. You can pay the invoice in 2 ways:

  • cash
  • by transfer

Health insurance
Many healthcare providers will insure you for dental care. For more information about healthcare providers and the differences in coverage, please go to Vergoedingen mondzorg (

Contact Information ▼

Dental Practice Hollands Spoor
Stationsweg 107 1st floor
2515BL The Hague

Dentist P. Grewe      (070) 3800910
Dentist D.R. Kösters (070) 3802891

Opening Hours ▼

Dentist Paula Grewe
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

Dentist Derk Kösters
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

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