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Root canal treatment

A tooth consists of a crown and one or more roots. The crown is the part that you see. The roots cannot be seen, as they are anchored in the jaw under your gums. Each root has a root canal, which contains nerve fibers and small blood vessels. This living tissue is also referred to as dental pulp. If the pulp is or has been inflamed, you will need root canal treatment.

Is root canal treatment painful?

The dentist will give you an anesthetic.


The root canal treatment

First, your dentist will explain the procedure to you and tell exactly what is going to happen. The procedure comprises the following steps:

  • Make x-rays
  • Drill a hole to allow access to the root canals
  • Remove infected pulp and clean the root canals
  • Fill and seal the root canals
  • Place a crown

What causes infected pulp?

Tooth decay or a leaking filling can cause your tooth tissue to become inflamed. A hard blow to a tooth can also be a reason. Bacteria are usually the cause of the inflammation.
Do your teeth feel sensitive when drinking hot or cold drinks? This may be a first sign. Sometimes the inflammation causes no symptoms, but severe pain can also occur. Your dentist must remove the inflamed tissue, otherwise it will die.
If the tissue is not removed, the infection can spread to your jawbone.
This causes bone loss around the teeth, which can eventually lead to loss of teeth.

What does root canal treatment cost?

The Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa: Dutch Healthcare Authority) sets the tariffs and the descriptions of dental treatments. Root canal treatment costs depend on the number of root canals that need treatment and the degree of difficulty of the treatment.

Please ask your dentist for a quotation.

Dentist Derk Kösters and dentist Paula Grewe have specialized in root canal treatments. In our dental practice, an operating microscope is always used for this precision work.
Even difficult root canal treatments can be done with high quality standards. With the aid of the microscope, cracks can also be noticed more quickly and unnecessary treatments are less likely to occur.

More information about root canal treatments?

Contact one of the specialists below.

Dentist Derk Kösters or Dentist Paula Grewe

Contact Information ▼

Dental Practice Hollands Spoor
Stationsweg 107 1st floor
2515BL The Hague

Dentist P. Grewe      (070) 3800910
Dentist D.R. Kösters (070) 3802891

Opening Hours ▼

Dentist Paula Grewe
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

Dentist Derk Kösters
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

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