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A crown is a sustainable replacement for teeth. A crown is a cap of metal and/or porcelain that fits over a tooth or molar. The cap is glued to the tooth and the tooth gets its original shape and function back.

Crowns of 3 types of material

Porcelain crowns provide better natural color match than any other crown type and may be more suitable for people with metal allergies.

This type of crown is made of metal and a layer of tooth-colored porcelain is applied over the exposed metal.

Compared with other crown types, less tooth structure needs to be removed with metal crowns, and tooth wear to opposing teeth is kept to a minimum. Metal crowns withstand biting and chewing forces well and probably last the longest in terms of wear down. Also, metal crowns rarely chip or break. The metallic color is the main drawback. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molar.

Kronen tandarts

Placing a crown

First, your dentist (or we) will explain the procedure to you and tell exactly what is going to happen. Creating a crown is done in steps so you will need to come in two, three times. The procedure comprises following steps:

  • prepare (trimming and shaping) the tooth
  • take a dental impression to determine the shape of the crown
  • take a bite impression to determine the height of the crown
  • choose the shade that most closely matches the color of the neighboring teeth
  • place a temporary crown until the final crown can be permanently placed

When is a crown necessary?

  • Tooth decay can cause a large part of the tooth to be lost.
  • To improving appearance. Usually this pertains to discolored and/or poorly formed teeth in the front part of the mouth.
  • To prevent fracture of a tooth after a large cavity or root canal treatment.

What does a crown cost?

The Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa: Dutch Healthcare Authority) sets the tariffs and the descriptions of dental treatments. Crown fabrication costs depend on the materials used and on the dental laboratory fees. They also depends on whether preparatory build-up is needed.

Please ask your dentist for a quotation.

A crown is not made in a dental laboratory.
A dental laboratory is housed in our building, which facilitates easy access and direct communication between our dentists and the dental technicians.
Our team has immediate access to their expertise.
Through this teamwork between dentists and dental technicians, we can guarantee aesthetic results.

Wondering whether a crown is right for you?

Contact one of the specialists beneath.

Dentist Derk Kösters or Dentist Paula Grewe

Contact Information ▼

Dental Practice Hollands Spoor
Stationsweg 107 1st floor
2515BL The Hague

Dentist P. Grewe      (070) 3800910
Dentist D.R. Kösters (070) 3802891

Opening Hours ▼

Dentist Paula Grewe
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

Dentist Derk Kösters
Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 17.00
appointment | register

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